Sex sells...isn’t that obvious from current Best Seller lists of books, videos and movies. Sex, speed, and thrillers tossed with a bit of lusty romance and deception Is really the fastest selling recipe for books, music, movies to the public
I was curious. Aren’t you? Best Seller lists are prominent on the internet as well as lots of magazines and newspapers. But the SAME book keeps making that list! Why? What’s the appeal? Is it a racy book? Sounds like it might be. And the scuttlebutt of comments from readers really had me intrigued, even titillated~ humm
50 Shades of Grey has my neighborhood book club appearing with flushed cheeks, heads downs, whispering certain pages to be sure to check out. Naturally, who wouldn’t be curious?
I bought the book, only the first book of the trilogy. I read it. I found out.
Nope, it didn’t make me rush to the store to purchase the next of the series. Even though a friend’s face lit up and her voice grew more agitated and louder, it still didn’t spark my race to the book shop. She was totally enticed by the action. The male character, though not a hero to me, was successful, handsome and charming. But he has a dark streak. I presume that dark side of his personality coined the title 50 SHADES OF GRAY.
When a friend was busy raising two children, often she felt shunned at neighborhood parties. When unknowns gathered and proceeded to asked her what she did for a living, she replied, “I’m busy at home raising two little children.” The inquirers would drift away, uninterested. She began to feel worthless, undervalued.
She needed to add some spice to her resume for the next neighborhood cocktail party.
My pal would bat her long lashes, strike a pose and answer, “I’m a domma matrix!” That got the interest of all in hearing distance. She decided to add a bit of zest, “I find leather, cufflinks and whips to be quite the lure for many who contact me.”
But, was her husband made aware of her new profession? I think not.
Of course, she was only teasing. She was no longer a boring matron playing only Chutes and Ladders with her kids. Neighbors now looked at her with new eyes.
Maybe that’s the basic lure of the SHADES OF GRAY books. They simply add some spice to a long marriage or a boring life.