Friday, April 22, 2011

gray Good Friday

Gray and's Good Friday today.  Though the daffodils and crocus are blooming, a damp rain is falling and the sky is gloomy gray.  Flashing thru my mind are memories of those 3 PM Good Friday church services with a crucifix above the altar covered with a black cloth.  For some reason I see the image of a dark curtain torn as the cresendo of the pipe organ announced Christ's death on the cross. 

At Glenwood Lutheran three choirs performed a French Easter cantata with dual grad pianos all at the front of the church.  It was magnificent!  I remember feeling so inspired as my fingers struck the chords and the choirs responded in song.  Carol Hustad, the other pianist, and I were piano students of Miss Rahn, whose teaching talents were held in high esteem in our community. 

The idea remains in my mind that Good Friday is supposed to be a dark and gray day; rain is expected.  But the darkness is gone as sunshine comes out on Easter Sunday!  Every church will have their altars blooming with blue hydrangas, pink and red tulips, hot pink azalas, and fragrant white Easte lilies.  It's glorious!  LIttle girls have new frilly dresses and paten leather shoes with lacy anklets, tiny white gloves and Easter bonnets.  Little boys are dressed  in starched shirts with bow ties, long trousers and shined shoes.  Some women still dress up and don Easter hats with flowers.  They have Easter hunts in their back yards for the children to discover chocolate bunnies, jelly beans and colored Easter eggs.  Families gather for ham dinner with sweet potatoes and salad topped off with a bunny cake or a fancy coconut cake or decorated cupcakes. 

I love holidays!  Best of all, this year we're guests, and I get to make the desserts!  I'm making Sarah's smooth, rich coconut almond supcakes with bird nests of jelly beans on top....YUM   The Dessert Queen wishes all a joyful Easter filled with sunshine!

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